From: $11.00

Lime Essential Oil (Citrus aurantifolia)

Common name Lime
Botanical name Citrus aurantifolia
Method of Extraction expressed
Plant Part peel
Country of Origin Mexico
Note Top
SKU: EO_Lime Categories: ,



Batch expiring 12/24

Lime Essential Oil (Citrus aurantifolia) expressed peel oil

Our Lime Essential Oil has a fresh rich sweet citrus aroma that evokes a summer feel. Expressed from the small bitter green fruit of the Lime, a small evergreen tree with oval leaves, small white flowers.

Lime has a pale yellow-green to olive green colour and thin consistency.

Lime is native to Asia, and together with Lemon, was used to prevent scurvy in sailors, a condition caused by a vitamin C deficiency .  All citrus fruits are known to protect against this unpleasant, but preventable disease. It is said that sea captains ordered every crew member to eat a lime, including a bite of the peel on a fixed schedule. Most of a lime’s volatile oils and vitamin C are in the peel, so this was a wise practice. It is the origin of the nickname ‘limeys’ that was given the English sailors.

Lime is refreshing and uplifting, making it ideal to counteract fatigue. It’s astringent action is useful to manage oily skin. It is also helpful for digestive and respiratory conditions.

Use Lime in a diffuser to evoke a fresh summery vibe. Or use topically in a massage oil or lotion, especially for oily skin.

Lime is one of a number of citrus Essential Oils that may cause phototoxicity, or make the skin more sensitive to the sun.  It is therefore recommended not to use Lime essential oil in topical application within 12 hours before exposure to the sun as the skin may be more likely to burn.



How to Use

For Adults only (Please seek professional advice for any other use)

Diffusion: use 6-8 drops in water in your diffuser

Massage: add 10 – 15 drops to 1 tablespoon (20ml) of your choice of carrier oil or unscented massage oil.
(Caution – Lime may cause photosensitisation – we recommend avoiding sun exposure for 12 hours after topical use of this essential oil – see below for more information)

Baths: mix  3-4 drops with a teaspoon (5ml) of Essential Oil Dispersant or Unscented Liquid Soap and add to your bath water.


General Safety Information

As Lime is an expressed citrus oil it may cause phototoxicity. Phototoxity is where certain chemicals called furanocoumarins induce a skin reaction in the presence of strong sunlight. This results in the skin cells absorbing more UV photons than normal, which results in a more rapid tanning or burning skin reaction. Furanocoumarins are commonly found in citrus essential oils, such as Lime.

The risk of phototoxicity will remain for 12 hours. So if you topically apply one of these essential oils to your skin, avoid sun and UV exposure for at least 12 hours. If you’re diffusing one of these oils in your home, no need to worry. This applies to topical application to the skin, not inhalation

Product Details

Lime Essential Oil (Citrus aurantifolia) expressed peel oil

Common name Lime
Botanical name Citrus aurantifolia
Method of Extraction expressed
Plant Part peel
Country of Origin Mexico
Note Top
Appearance pale yellow-green to olive green mobile liquid
Aroma fresh rich sweet citrus odour
Major Constituents α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene
Properties refreshing, uplifting, stimulating to digestive system, detoxifying
Traditional Uses fatigue, oily skin, digestive and respiratory conditions
Blends well with bergamot, clary sage, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, mandarin, sweet orange, patchouli, rosemary
Cautions Phototoxic. Avoid sun exposure for up to 12 hours after using any preparation containing Lime Essential Oil on the skin


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